Upcoming Events!!

Committee Meeting
Pack 73 Committee Meeting
Who should attend pack committee meetings? Pack Committee Members, Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Parents, and Volunteers
Pack 73 Committee Meetings are where the Cub Scout magic happens - each month we come together to plan and organize exciting activities for our scouts! This is the perfect opportunity for parents and volunteers to get involved, share ideas, and help shape the adventures our pack will undertake.
What to Expect:
Updates on pack finances, membership, and scout advancements
Planning upcoming events, including pack meetings and special events
Assigning tasks and roles for future activities
Brainstorming new ideas to enhance our scouting program
A chance to connect with other parents and leaders who share your enthusiasm for scouting
Whether you're a seasoned committee member or a parent looking to get more involved, we welcome your input and support!
Questions? Contact Kenny Hurst
We look forward to seeing you there!

Committee Meeting
Pack 73 Committee Meeting
Who should attend pack committee meetings? Pack Committee Members, Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Parents, and Volunteers
Pack 73 Committee Meetings are where the Cub Scout magic happens - each month we come together to plan and organize exciting activities for our scouts! This is the perfect opportunity for parents and volunteers to get involved, share ideas, and help shape the adventures our pack will undertake.
What to Expect:
Updates on pack finances, membership, and scout advancements
Planning upcoming events, including pack meetings and special events
Assigning tasks and roles for future activities
Brainstorming new ideas to enhance our scouting program
A chance to connect with other parents and leaders who share your enthusiasm for scouting
Whether you're a seasoned committee member or a parent looking to get more involved, we welcome your input and support!
Questions? Contact Kenny Hurst
We look forward to seeing you there!

Committee Meeting
Pack 73 Committee Meeting
Who should attend pack committee meetings? Pack Committee Members, Den Leaders, Cubmaster, Parents, and Volunteers
Pack 73 Committee Meetings are where the Cub Scout magic happens - each month we come together to plan and organize exciting activities for our scouts! This is the perfect opportunity for parents and volunteers to get involved, share ideas, and help shape the adventures our pack will undertake.
What to Expect:
Updates on pack finances, membership, and scout advancements
Planning upcoming events, including pack meetings and special events
Assigning tasks and roles for future activities
Brainstorming new ideas to enhance our scouting program
A chance to connect with other parents and leaders who share your enthusiasm for scouting
Whether you're a seasoned committee member or a parent looking to get more involved, we welcome your input and support!
Questions? Contact Kenny Hurst
We look forward to seeing you there!

Pinewood Derby Workshop at The Farm!
Happy New Year Pack 73!!!
At this event the Scouts and Their Parents will work to cut and shape their Pinewood Derby Cars and Design Cars in 3D that will be Printed for them to receive at the Pinewood Derby.
-Jan 25th at The Farm
-9 AM - 11 AM Lions and Tigers
-12 PM - 2 PM Wolves and Bears
-3 PM - 5 PM Webelos and AOLs
Please bring your Pinewood Derby Cars you received at the Holiday Pack Meeting at LexLive. If you did not receive one, we will have your car there. Please bring extra tools if you have them / are willing to share. Because we will be working with tools, Parents must be present.
This should be a super fun event for all of the kids Looking forward to seeing there!!!!
This event will also serve as our Pack Meeting for January!!

Committee Meeting
Pack 73 Committee Meetings are where the Cub Scout magic happens - each month we come together to plan and organize exciting activities for our scouts! This is the perfect opportunity for parents and volunteers to get involved, share ideas, and help shape the adventures our pack will undertake.

Pack Meeting
During our November pack meeting, we will learn what it means to be helpful and loyal. Scouts will work together to create care packages for veterans at the Veterans Medical Center as a demonstration of our appreciation and support for those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our country.

Pack Meeting
Get ready to sling into action for our next exciting pack meeting, featuring a pumpkin chunkin' extravaganza AND a chili cookoff! It’s going to be an afternoon full of food, fun, and flying pumpkins!

Popcorn Training!!
What: Popcorn Fundraising Training!!!
Where: Online => Click the Link Here!! meet.google.com/vma-mjpw-jmp
When: 6:30 PM, Sept 5
Why: To Help Fund our Pack Activities!!! This is our only fundraiser for the year, and asking for support at Kroger Store Fronts is a SUPER EASY way to help our Pack raise the funds we need for the 60 scouts we’ll have in the pack!
Last year with 41 scouts we sold over $50k in Popcorn!! This year let’s see if we can hit $60k! The Pack will receive 30% of the contributions!!!

Pack Meeting #2 / Parent Info Night
This Meeting will be at “The Farm” - a wonderful location provided by leaders in the Pack off Old Richmond Rd.
During this meeting we’ll have fun outdoor activities for the kids while we pull the parents to the side to explain how our activities, meetings, structure, fundraising, and cub scouts works as a whole.
We aim to have an open floor for ALL questions and look forward to getting to know everyone!

1st Pack Meeting!!
Let’s get creative and kick off our 1st meeting of the year with a BLAST!!!! (An Air Blast :) )
We’ll go over how a Cub Scout Pack works, our scheduled activities for the year, and everyone will get a chance to meet other scouts in their Den (grade). We’ll break out to do a super fun activity and everyone can see what a Pack meeting is like in Pack 73!!