What is the Pinewood Derby?
The Pinewood Derby is one of the most exciting and anticipated events in Cub Scouting!
It’s a gravity-powered car race where participants build and design their own wooden cars to race down a track.
Scouts work with their families to create cars that are not only fast but also showcase their creativity and craftsmanship. The event is more than just a race—it’s an opportunity for Scouts to learn about sportsmanship, engineering, and friendly competition while having a blast with their pack.
Bluegrass Council Pinewood Derby Rules 2025
Cub Scout Class Race Rules
The car must be made by the Scout with parental help as needed. Cars do not have to be newly made for the current Scouting year.
All Cub Scout Class participants must be a registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, or Arrow of Light at the time of the Pinewood Derby. Scouts who have “crossed over” into a Troop (membership must be current) can choose to race as a Webelos Cub or join other Scouting America members in the Outlaw Class.
Cub Scout Class Car Specifications:
The width of the car may not exceed 2.75 inches.
The overall length of the car may not exceed 7.00 inches.
The total weight of the car may not exceed 5.00 ounces.
The minimum ground clearance must be at least 0.375 inches.
The front most edge of the car cannot extend past or around the starting pin and must contact the pin at a height not to exceed 1.75 inches.
The wheels and axles must only be those licensed by Scouting America (approved kits will have the BSA Officially Licensed seal on the packaging.) NO SUBSTITUTIONS!
The wheels may be trimmed, but not rounded, pointed, or thinned. The tread must remain original width.
No hubcaps (stickers on the outside of the wheel.)
Axles may not be altered in any way, except for polishing.
Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.
The car shall not ride on springs.
Wheel hubs (the part of the wheel that contacts the car) shall not be drilled, filed, or altered in any way.
Wheels shall not be lightened by removal of excess plastic.
The distance between the front and rear axles must not be changed from the kit body distance of 4.25 inches. The minimum width between the wheels must be at least 1.75 inches.
No loose materials of any kind are permitted.
Only graphite or powdered Teflon “white lube” is allowed for lubricating the wheels. Cars with any type of oil, synthetic lubes, etc. will not be allowed to race.
Car bodies must use the block of wood supplied in the BSA Grand Prix Pinewood Derby kit; body may be shaped to a custom design within the above specifications.
Body may be hollowed out and built up to maximum weight, provided all additions are securely attached.
The use of altered front ends of cars with “cheater bars” will not be allowed.
Details such as steering wheels, driver decals, painting, and interior details are permissible as long as the inclusion of these details does not exceed the length, width, weight, or ground specifications.
Gravity is the only allowed method of propulsion. The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices.
Each car must pass inspection by race officials before competition. Race officials will disqualify those cars which do not meet required specifications.
Once a car is accepted, only race officials may handle it.
If a car does not meet the above specs at the time of registration, the owner of the car will be informed of the reason it does not meet specs; the car may be modified and resubmitted for inspection as long as registration is still open.
Once the Pinewood Derby car has been accepted by the inspection committee, no maintenance of any kind is permitted, including additional lubrication.
If a car becomes disabled during the race, it may continue until it will no longer move down the track or is eliminated.
The race official’s decision in any race matter will be final.
Tips and Tricks!!
Check out Mark Rober’s tricks for using SCIENCE to win the Pinewood Derby!
DO use these tips:
Get your car as close to 5.0 ounces without going over.
Make your car low profile (reduce wind!)
Try to balance your car so the center of gravity is ~0.75-1” in front of the rear axle.
Polish axles and remove metal burrs using graphite.
Build so only 3 wheels touch the track.
Install wheels slightly canted (but do not bend axles).
DON’T break District rules:
Don’t shave your wheels to reduce wheel weight.
Don’t buy aftermarket parts already modified.
Don’t bend your axles.
Don’t install wheels at a different position along the car body (e.g., longer wheel base, etc.)