FUNdraising with Scout Popcorn!
“Would you like to help support the Cub Scouts?”
Did You Know?
This is the pack’s only fundraiser and it supports all of Pack 73’s activities for the ENTIRE YEAR!
2024 popcorn sales run from September 14th through October 20th and are mostly done through scheduled “storefront shifts” with your scout.
30% of the proceeds come directly to our pack to directly fund your scout’s activities. Other proceeds help support the Bluegrass BSA Council.
Pack 73 Scouts who reach their individual fundraising goals will have their trip to Huntsville, Alabama fully paid!
Scouts can also earn Amazon Gift Cards and other fundraising incentives directly from Trails End and from the Bluegrass BSA Council.
Fundraising Quick Start!!
Use the e-mail invite you received from Trails-End to create your cub scout's fundraising account. If you have not received an invite, reach out to Abby Pelphrey / your Den Leader / Pack Leader and we will make sure you receive one.
You can use either an Android phone OR iPhone to run the Trail's End Fundraising app.
Get the Android App
Get the iPhone App
The App makes selling popcorn and collecting payments SUPER easy :)
Use the App to sign up for shifts!! Store front fundraising is the EASIEST way to raise funds QUICKLY. Sign up Early! All you will have to do is show up!!
Join us for Online Popcorn Training SEPTEMBER 5th @ 6:30 PM
Click Here to Join the Online Training!!
Click Here for An In-Depth Slide Show "How To" for Scout Popcorn Fundraising