About Pack 73
What is a Pack Meeting?
Pack meetings typically occur on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM (August - May) and are where all the Cub Scout dens come together to celebrate the Adventures they’ve earned during their Den meetings.
Cub Scouts complete an activity or service project during our meetings, focusing on one or more aspects of the Scout Law. Scouts and their families also learn more about upcoming events and future planned adventures!!
What is a Den Meeting?
Cub Scouts are organized by grade level (Kindergarten - 5th grade) into separate Dens. Each Den meets a couple times a month, often on Thursdays, to complete the Adventures required to earn their next rank. Each group has one or two Den Leaders who work with Den parents to lead fun activities for their Cub Scouts!
What else does the Pack do?
We go on even more Adventures!! We go hiking and camping (both in and outside of Kentucky), learn about cool history, race pinewood derby cars and explore all the culture and science we can get our hands on! These adventures are included in the Scouting experience to help Scouts achieve their rank requirements (and to have fun!) We end every season with our Blue and Gold Banquet, a celebration of our Scouts and everything they did to earn their ranks throughout the year!
Meet the Pack 73 Team!
Katie Hurst
Committee Chair
Irv Hurst
Pack Treasurer
Lauren Hogsed
Pack Secretary
Kenny Hurst
Mark Zoller
Assistant Cubmaster
Den Leaders
Mark Zoller
Arrow of Light / 5th Grade
Shaun Sartin
Webelos / 4th Grade
Virginia Zoller & Liisa Bergmann
Bears / 3rd Grade
Ben Hogsed & Bryan Huff
Wolves / 2nd Grade
Jared Woods
Tigers / 1st Grade
Samantha Harp
Lions / Kindergarten